by his words, acts and thoughts. Our daily food gives us some powers on the physical plane and also on other planes. On account of the food and drink we store some kind of energy; we waste away also this energy by doing useless acts, by thinking useless thoughts. At the same time we use it in better and higher things, by using it for the good of humanity. At the same time, again, we carry with us a certain amount of this energy to the next life, because it is not actually disintegrated at the time of death. It is only the physical particles of the body which are disintegrated, but the thoughts remain. The physical particles are not the only constituents of the body; there are other things; there are subtle particles and these are not all magnetic fluid, but certain portions are magnetic fluid, and that is also part of the Karmic body as we understand it, that we carry with us in all lives. We may call it spiritual body, astral body or subtle body; these are different names for something which is the result of our acts, thoughts, words, desires, intentions and objects and that we carry with us always. Some of the forces of this Karmic body are of the nature of the magnetic fluid. If the objects with which these forces are gathered are of a benevolent nature, if they are gained with the object of doing good to other people, then that magnetic fluid, that part at least of the Karmic body would be of the same nature, according to which, or in obedience to which, this fluid was generated. It will emanate from the bod in this life, or even in the next
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