practised the rules of diet also. Sometimes they live for a year on milk and nothing else, or on clarified butter and nothing else. When they contemplate on the different plexuses they observe these rules and the postures which they assume on these occasions are some of them very difficult. They have to retain a certain position while contemplating for an hour or two hours. There are many other rules which the Yogis practise which they have never given out to any one. It is not the following of these rules that is to be taken into consideration with regard to the Yogis, the chief thing is that they cannot do these exercises unless the body is fit for the powers which it is to obtain, and the body cannot be made fit till the injurious humors are driven out. They also observe many practises, which, as no person can follow them out in this country, with the life they live and the circumstances under which they must act, it will not be important to discuss. These will not of course be important for business people or those whose object is to make money. These different plexuses in the body are many, of course, but six of them are the most important. Two of them are situated below the navel, one in the heart, etc. Others are predominant in different parts of the system. While taking into consideration the different plexuses we have to take into consideration the ethers that are peculiar to them, and in contemplation these ethers are evolved from them. Even the Yogis do not expect to see their powers manifested in a short time Their object
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