Kaivalya is in fact a state in which there is entire cessation of all desire and when the nature of the essence of all consciousness is known, there is no room for any action of the mind, the source of phenomena. The mind before such knowledge was bent towards worldly objects but now it is entirely bent on discriminative knowledge. This knowledge is of the kind of clear cognition of the difference between mind and soul. Not only this but the mind is entirely full of the idea of Kaivalya to the exclusion of other thoughts. But while this condition of entire devotion to Kaivalya is suspended there are other thoughts from previous impressions. These impressions are to be destroyed like other distractions. Even full discrimination is not the desired end and should be superseded by supreme non-attachment which is the nearest road to Samādhi, the door of Kaivalya. From constant discriminative recognition of the 26 elements of this philosophy results the light of knowledge ; after this the Yogi works entirely without attachment to any object or desire ; then he reaches the state of supreme non-attachment wherein the light of the soul breaks out in full. In fact all appears full of soul and there is nothing to interrupt this blissful perception. Then all distractions and actions cease altogether at least for the Yogi. When the distractions are destroyed and when Karma is rendered powerless for good or for ill, there arises full knowledge which is free from the obscuration caused by Rajas-energy and Tamas-grossness and cleared of all impurities arising from distractions. This
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