We have hitherto taken the genuineness of Zollner's phenomena for granted, and, as far as our theories of the fourth-dimension are concerned, it matters little whether they actually occurred or not since they evidently all might have done so on our hypothesis of four-dimensional agencies.
These phenomena closely resemble those produced by the conscious intention of advanced occultists, so that we may reasonably connect these latter also with the hypothesis of a fourth-dimension, in which there would be reason for believing that the consciousness of an occultist who produces phenomena is fourdimensional.
Further, it has been stated that space has really seven dimensions, that the evloution of each round and principle in man co-ordinates with the evolution of the perception of a new dimension.
It seems that at present we are passing from three to four-dimensional consciousness. Let us recapitulate.
The sensory surfaces of the body, and hence, our sensations, are two-dimensional, our perceptions of objects are three-dimensional while our conceptions are four-dimensional.
As an infinite number of independant straight linesone-dimensional spaces-may be drawn on a surfacetwo-dimensional space-and as an infinite number of independant two-dimensional spaces exist in a threedimensional space so, we may believe, an infinite number of independant three-dimensional spaces-the spaces known to us being one-may exist in four
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