THE ANATOMY OF THE TANTRAS 233 the subject of Yoga. But unfortunately this introduction even does not contain any explanation of the Tantric rituals and technical words.
The Tantras throw a flood of light upon the anatomical knowledge of the Hindus—especially they give a inore clear description of the nervous system of man than is to be found in the Hindu medical works. Trying to explain the inysteries of man to understand the relation he bears to God, the Almighty Creator, the Yogis and the Tantrists had made a special study of the nervous system. And undoubtedly this knowledge they had gained by dissection.* (* In ancient India, dissection was compulsory for two classes of people, viz. :-the Yogis and the Physicians. Thus the great medical author of the Hindus, Sushruta, says that "a Yogi (holy man) should dissect in order that he may know the different parts of the human body.” (Wise's Commentary on the Hindu Medicine, p. 48).
The language of the Tantras being too allegorical and too mystical to be understood by the uninitiated, it is very difficult to identify the Nadis, the Chakras, and the Padmas described in them.
However, some of the spots are easily identifiable from their simple and lucid description. Thus it is apparent that the "nectar-rayed moon" (Vide Shiva Sanhita, Ch. II, verse 6) is the underpart of the brain ; that Sushumna is the spinal cord; “Ida and Pingala are he left and right sympathetic cord respectively."
(* The Uttara Gita has thus described the relations of these structures Ch.11, verses 14 and 15:- .
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