predominance of one ether if it is not desirable? We say that all these ethers have their special localities in the body, and when we breathe in we simply con centrate our attention on the part in which the ether we wish to attract predominates, and by sending influence there, we can exert magnetism, and attract the kind of ether which is desired to that part of the body. With regard to the parts of the body where the different ethers are located, between the feet and the knees is the locality of the fifth ether, between the knees and the navel, of the fourth, between the navel and the heart, of the third, between the heart and the throat, that of the second, while the first is located between the throat and the eyebrows. If we concentrate those parts, we attract the ethers predominant in them to us; if our feet or any part between the feet and the knees should become tired, then, while we breathe deeply, if we concentrate our attention on those parts, and will strongly, that the particular ether required shall be drawn in, the will is a great attractive force, and will attract that particular kind of ether; and the same is true in the other parts of the body. Of course there are other practical rules in this science of breathing, and these rules are to be observed from the time we leave our bed in the morning until the time for retiring. During the whole day this science of breath plays an important part. When we get up we can know whether we are positive or negative by the breath which passes through the nostrils, and we must make ourselves so in harmony with nature that
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