203 the brain and the heart, both of which have positive. and negative parts, and exercise positive and negative force. Suppose for instance, the vital force starts from the brain center goes to the left side, first of all goes to the heart, and then to the right side, so that its upward direction is on the right side. The breath would pass out of the right nostril with greater force and we are then in a positive condition. The contrary would be the case if the current started from the other side, and went in a contrary direction ; therefore the condition of the body depends on the direction of the life-current. If the breath comes with more force from the left side we are in a negative condition, and vice versa. When a person has studied the science of breathing and the functions of the different plexuses, he can regulate his system, so that he can evolve all the powers resident in the body. Six of these plexuses are especially important, two of them are below the navel, one is just above the navel, a fourth is in the heart, a fifth in the throat and the sixth between the eyebrows. When the force is neither negative nor positive, it runs in a middle course; then the vital current takes a direction on which all these plex uses lie, that is the middle direction. The Yogis in order to evolve all these powers, concentrate from the lowest plexus to the highest, until by degrees a light is evolved, by reason of the force of the life-current being developed to a very high extent. Their discipline and diet, and the physical and mental course through which they pass being different, it would be very
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