Mysticism in India
The Yoga Philosophy (योग)
HE problem of the why and wherefore of existence is as old as the world and whether under the name of religion or science man has only tried to understand his position in nature. It has however been the fashion now-a-days to regard religion as a mere matter of sentiment and turn for all rational explanation to science. But it is doubtful how far science is true to its own principles; for true science can never differ from true religion. If the superstructure of theology is based on superstitious faith, the edifice of science stands on empirical dogmatism. I am no friend of the one or the other but I have full faith in the convertibility of knowledge and belief. Religion is not entirely a matter of sentiment, nor science of reason. Deprived of their respective marks, religion and science are aspects of the one and the same thing. Truth wherever found is always one. The history of the world all round bears ample testimony to this. What relation do ethics bear either to religion or science? Thou shalt not commit murder? Why? The theologian would say-because that is the com
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