THE MYSTERY LANGUAGE formulating in a niultiple silent utterance its leading attributes and chracteristics. Thus A-d'm while naming Adam designates man, and at the same time says of him, “I am like unto, I am ruddy, I am blood," and so on; and in its association with Adamah (ground), expresses his affinity to his planetary niother,
Another peculiarity in the construction of the Mystery Language is seen in the narrative form in which the Elohistic Kosmogony is drawn up : for-the individual ideographs being, as just observed, designations describing as well as defining what they represent--the active forces, manifesting the results of their operations. in and through the individulized forms they designate, are, as Elohim, affirmed to command the action they produce; and then to declare the order and approve the outcome of their own functioning activity. Thus the operating forces individualized in Elohim are supposed to say "Let there be combustion !" and then to approve of the induced igneous action.
After this it is stated that “ Elohim (labdil) caused an antagonism between the Volcanic Action and the Inertia ; and called the Volcanic Action (Jom) active condition, and the inertia (Khoshec) Exhausted state "_to which the formula closing each of the successive phases of evolution is added “and it was (Ghere) mingling, and it was (Boker) cleaving, the active condition (Akhad) I burn."
I have already discussed the consecutive phases of the Elohistic Kosmogony, so need not recur to them here. But I then purposely passed over an important feature
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