YOGA-KUNDILINT-UPANISHAD the fifth, and this is said to be the Kuta (horns) of the several binnas (or parts) of Moon. This which tends to the accomplishment of all Yogas, should be learnt through the initiation of a Guru. He who recites this twelve times every day. will not get even in sleep that Maya (illusion), which is born in his body and which is the source of all vicious deeds. He who recites this five lakhs of times with very great care--to him the science of Khechari will reveal itself. All obstacles vanish and the gods are pleased. The destruction of Valipalitha will take place without doubt. Having acquired this great science, one should practise it afterwards. If not, O Brahman, he will suffer without getting any Siddhi in the path of Khechari. If one does not get this nectar-like science in his practice, he should get it in the beginning of Melana and recite it always ; (else) one who is without it never gets Siddhi. As soon as he gets this science he should practise it and then the sage will soon get the Siddhi. Hacing drawn out the tongue from the root of the palate, an Atmavit (knower of Atma) should clear the impurity (of the tongue) for seven days according to the advice of his Guru. He should take a sharp knife which is oiled and cleaned and which resembles the leaf of the plant Srinhe (" Euphorbia antiquorum") and should cut for the space of a hair (the frænum Lingui). Having powered Samdava (rock-salt) and Pathya (sea-salt), he should apply it to the place. On the 7th day he should again cut for the space of a hair. Thus for the space of six months he should continue
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