THE SCIENCE OF BREATHING 109 powers, and that these forces are greater, higher and more important than the physical forces. A great scientist writes in his work on the physical sciences, that ifi a physical object is to be transmitted from one place to another by some unknown power it must generate a certain amount of heat, which would destroy it in the transit if the inotion were swift enough ; but a corresponding force in the moral plane may not generate heat at all. We can do the same thing by moral force which we can do on the physical plane only by spending a large amount of heat. We say that the result gained from the study of moral forces is altogether different from the result derived from the study of physical forces. We use them for bringing out the spiritual nature, and practise the science of breathing, concentration, postures, and similar sciences for this purpose. Breathing in the right way does not directly bring out the moral forces, and nothing that is physical can do this, but if the moral force is to be used, a corresponding progress ought to be made in the physical and mental planes, and then we can use all these forces without causing any inharmonious vibrations in the different parts of the humam nature, physical, mental and moral. After evolving the moral force, the results are manifested through the vehicle more or less material. It may be ethereal or subtle, but is nevertheless material, because ether is still matter and is in no sense spiritual, nor is it in any sense the soul itself. The vehicle is supplied by the subtleforces of the physical nature, which must
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