ness that is vibrating but the physical part, and this is On account of the spiritual nature. In vegetables and animals, and in human life also, we pass through different stages of growth, which are expressed in these vibrations. The Hindu science explains from this standpoint the growth of the body from the smallest germ to the fully developed organism, and says that in the beginning, before the birth of the human being the centers are being for med; the first is brain, the second is heart, and these two centers are the original sources from which the powers are propagated to all sides of the body, and in this way other centers are formed also, which we call in our philosophy the plexuses. When the brain center is formed, and the heart center is formed, the nerves proceed from the brain center and ramify over the whole hunian body; when the heart center is formed the blood vessels separate all over the body. These two centers have two poles as it were, one positive and the other negative, as in all forces there are two sides, positive and negative. When the right side is stronger then the positive element is strong, and vice versa. The process through which this is done is, first of all, the progress of the life-current. When it starts from the brain and goes to the right side of the body, that is, to the right lung, then to the heart, then to the lelt side and then to the brain, it goes in such a direction that the breath will naturally come out of the right nostril with greater force, ard when the life-current goes in the opposite direction the breath will come with greater force from the left
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