104 THE SCIENCE OF BREATHING gives us the sensation of taste has the property of causing contraction. The lowest ether, that which we have called the odoriferous ether, has the property of cohesion, the property by virture of which the particles in a body keep together. It is this ether which gives stability. It may be asked, what has this ether or any other ether to do with breathing ? If cohesion or stability is desired in the body we can be supplied with this ether, and so with the qualities which the other ethers will supply. In this way the whole science of the rapeutics can be based on the science of ethers. How can we know what ether is predominant ? We have different ways, and those who have attended my former classes will remember how this is done. One way is by the forın of vibrations, for each has its peculiar form. The first has the appearance of minute dots rising and falling, as will be seen by breathing on the surface of a mirror; the second gives rise to the forın of a circle ; the third to a triangle, the fourth to semilunar forins and the fifth to rectangular vibrations. In this way we can distinguish one from ano'her. There is another way in which we can find which ether is predoininant, and that is by the color which is predominant, for each has a different color, the first having no color, or simply darkness, the second blue, the third red, the fourth white and the fifth yellow; and if we close our ears, eyes, nose and mouth, in a roon where there is no light, we shall see some kind of color or combination of colors, and in this way we may know
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