ful power, and that the rays of the sun can be used for curing many diseases. We know that these rays give us health, and we know that in countries where the temperature rises to 110 degrees during the hot season there is cholera or some other epidemic and hundreds of people die. We know the wonderful properties of many drugs. While the chemists have found out only the properties of these drugs and medicines on one plane we claim that our science in ancient times has given us a key to their nature and properties in other ways. The change in polarity in matter itself will produce may wonderful things, and will change even the weight of a thing; weight means nothing but the relative attraction of the force which is exercised between the body and the earth. If that relation is changed in some way or other the mass of the body is not changed, but that relation being changed, the weight appears to us to be different, and we may call it wonderful; but it is only the result of obeying a certain law, and that law is as fixed as anything else. When we come to a higher plane, the mental plane, we come to more wonderful things; we see these things every day, and therefore think that they are not wonderful. A person becomes angry; he does many things which he would not do under ordinary circumstances. It is wonderful that a man, wise under ordinary circumstances, does many acts which no one would expect of him, but that is the result only of his anger which has produced a change in his mentality. We know that mentality produces many wonderful
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