and niksepa. The latter two topics are the special features of this logic. In Thāņa (VII; s. 552), Aņuogaddāra (s. 152) and Visesão (v. 2180-2278) there is a description of naya and its 7 kinds.
Pramāņa or valid knowledge is classified in Thāņa (IV, 3; s. 338), Viāhapannatti (V, 4; 192) and Aņuogaddāra (s. 144; pp. 2118-219a2). The word heü (Sk. hetu") is used in Thāna in 2 senses viz., pramānao and reason-inference based on reason. The word heü occurs in Dasaveyāliyanijjutti, too. In its v. 867, it is said to be four-fold. Several terms of debate occur in Sūyagada. They are : pakkha (a party), chala (a quibble), viyakkālo (speculation) and takkall. In Thāņa (s. 338) we come across the word nää (Sk. jñāta) meaning an example. It is there divided into 4 kinds 12, each having 4 varieties. Further this Anga
1. "235 foar qoore, 76-90d 3 310 311" 2. Herein pramāņa is said to be four-fold : pratyakşa, anumana, aupamya and agama.
Out of these pratyaksa has two varieties viz. indriya-pratyaksa and no-indriyapratyakşa. The former has 5 sub-verieties and the latter 3. Anumāna is of 3 kinds : pūrvavat, sesavat and drstisādharmyavat. Out of these, the 2nd is of.5 types and the 3rd, of two types. Aupamya has 2 varieties, each of which has 3 sub-varieties. Agama is of 2 kinds and of 3 kinds as well.
In v. 25-27 of Kappanijjutti, there is a discussion about pratyaksa and paroksa pramāņas. Visesão (v. 95) says that inferential knowledge is absolutely paroksa, avadhijñāna etc. absolutely pratyaksa, and one based upon sense-organs and mind sāmvyavahāri-pratyakşa. Hemacandra Sūri in his com. (p. 213a-p. 213) on Anuogaddāra has discussed the characteristics of a hetu. While doing so he has quoted several verses one of which
is ascribed to Nyāyavādin Purusacandra by him. 4. See fn. 1. 5. et j 3 H 55 ?, upe jupe a 235 , juft 36 , we juf A1361"
(IV, 3; s. 338). Herein one can see the germs of a syllogism. 6. "Foucaui Sayuty trug 3GIBUTI 3T143 HR Jo fêt Hefe you com 11 89 11" 7. "361 fa 5HT3 Partit a nta3fa37047 50 eta de 5 et 3 ICE!!! 8-9. "H d 347 0 3416H S qui a 14 11" -I, 12, 5. 10. "aut fauent # 3 Yogafter I poquit fan pause for H& R 811"- I, 1, 2. 11. "IL JETE HI
tatillater i gae à HISTÈRT Hauft UHRE FET 112801" – 1, 1, 2. 12. "asfalt og quord, Å SET-BIECUT, TERUICEH, TERUTETA, Jquuntutang" (s. 338). Cf.
Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 53).
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