THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS misunderstood this verse, the real meaning being one noted by me on p. 56. The word aņuoga occurring in this verse does not stand for Anuögaddāra but it means 'exposition'. Such being the case, the date of Aņuogaddāra can be rather settled by taking into account the dates of the works noted on page 169. But, since unfortunately the Jaina commentaries are silent about them except the mention of the 4 Vedas and their 6 Angas?, some of them cannot be at all identified. Further the dates of the rest are not still finally fixed. So I shall make a tentative suggestion in this connection as under:
By Bhāraha and Rāmāyana are meant the two well-known Indian epics viz. Mahābhārata and Rāmāyana. It seems at the time of the composition of Anuogaddāra, the former was known as Bhārata which later on went on increasing in size on account of the various verses interpolated therein from time to time and which finally received the name of Mahābhārata. As stated in Anuogaddāra (s. 25) Bhāraha was read and heard in the morning and Rāmāyana in the afternoon.
Bhimāsurukka or Okkha4 may be taken to be Bhīmāsura or Bhīmāsurākhyāna. Its subject and authorship are not known up till now.
Kodillaya is equated with Kautilya's Arthaśāstra. Its date is not fixed. Some take it to be 326 B. C. and some even suppose it to be so very late as 400 A. D.
Ghodayamuhas is supposed to be some work on kāmaśāstra by Ghotakamukha, a predecessor of Vātsyāyana.
1. Nandicunni (p. 39), Haribhadra Sūri's com. (p. 83) on Nandi, Malayagiri Sūri's
com. (p. 1946) on Nandi, Anuogaddaracunni (p. 16), Haribhadra Sūri's com. (p. 22) on Aņuogaddāra and Hemacandra Sūri's com. (p. 36) on Anuyogaddāra are the sources I have examined in this connection. Hemacandrra Suri in his com. (p. 36) on Anuogaddāra (s. 41) says: "चत्वारश्च वेदा: सामवेद-ऋग्वेद-यजुर्वेदाऽथर्वणवेदलक्षणा: साङ्गोपाङ्गाः, तत्राङ्गानि शिक्षा १ कल्प २ व्याकरण ३ च्छन्दो
४ निरुक्त ५ ज्योतिष्कायन ६ लक्षणानि षट्, उपाङ्गनि तद्व्याख्यानरूपाणि तैः सह वर्तन्ते इति साङ्गोपाङ्गाः।" 3. This is also the name of a work on dramaturgy. Vide Bhāsa's Avimāraka (TSS
No. 20, p. 16) 4. See p. 14 fn. 2 (here aranfaai is a misprint; it should be diff.t3i). 5. In p. 14 fn. 2 and in DCGCM (vol. XVII, Pt. II, p. 292), too, there is mention
of Khodamuha instead of Ghodayamuha. So it may be some unknown work. 6. He is referred to in Arthaśāstra.
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