89 So says the Nandīcunni (p. 106). It further says : All the 7 kinds are accepted by the Ajīvagas, and they are propounded by Gosāla, and they are looked at in three ways. It seems Jinadāsa Gani, the author of this Nandīcunni makes no difference between the followers of Gosāla, the Ajivagas and the Teräsiyas.1
Sutta - This term is explained as one suggesting the meaning of all dravyas, paryayas and nayas. There are 22 Suttas as under in this section :
(1) Ujjusuya, (2) Parinayāparinaya, (3) Bahubhangiä, (4) Vijayacariya, (5) Aṇantara, (6) Parampara, (7) Māsāņa, (8) Sañjūha, (9) Sambhinna, (10) Āhavvāya, (11) Sovatthiävatta, (12) Nandāvatta, (13) Bahula, (14) Putthāputtha, (15) Viāvatta, (16) Evambhūä, (17) Duyāvatta, (18) Vattamanappaya, (19) Samabhirūdha, (20) Savvaöbhadda, (21) Passāsa and (22) Duppadiggaha. See Nandi (s. 57).3
No information is available regarding the contents of any one of these. We may however note that herein we find names which remind us of the two nayas viz. Evambhūta and Samabhirudha.
The 22 Suttas are chinnacchedanayika for svasamayikas whereas they are acchinnacchedanayikas for the Ajivagas. Further, they are trikanayikas for the Teräsiyas,' while they are catuskanayikas for svasamayikas. According to the chinnacchedanaya all the sūtras of the Agamas are independent of one another i.e. to say the preceding one has nothing to do with the subsequent one or ones nor has the subsequent one anything to do with the preceding one or ones. Reverse is the case according to the acchinnacchedanaya which believes that the preceding and following sūtras are inter-connected i. e. to say they are not independent of one another.
The four view-points from which 22 Suttas can be seen and which are just mentioned, give us 88 varieties of this section in all. 1 In this connection see "Ajīvaka sect - A new Interpretation", an article by Prof. A.
S. Gopani published in "Bhāratīya Vidya". (Vol. II, pp. II, pp. 201-211 & Vol. III,
pt. I, pp. 47-59). 2 "सुत्ताई ति उज्जुसुताइयाई बावीसं सुत्ताई, सव्वदव्वाण सव्वपज्जवाण सव्वणयाण सव्वभंगविकप्पणोवदंसगाणि, सव्वस्स
णय(? पुव्ब)गतस्स यऽत्थस्स य सूयग त्ति सूयणतो सुत्ता अणिता जधाभिहाणत्थातो, ते य इदाणिं सुत्तत्थतो वोच्छिण्णा,
GETTH(ar agar" - Nandicunni, (p. 56). 3 In Samavāya (s. 147), the 4th, 7th, 10th and 21st Suttas are named as Vippaccaïya,
Samana, Ahāccaya and Panāma respectively.
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