the worship besides the offering of Upachāra such as Prānāyama or Breath control, Bhūtashuddhi or purification of the elements of the body, Japa of Mantra, Nyāsa, meditation (Dhyāna) and obeisance (Pranāma).
OBJECTS OF DIFFERENT RITES The object of Bhūtashuddhi is to purify the mind of its good and evil tendencies which have rendered the Ego a body-bound, selfish small thing.
The object of Nyāsa is to render the body spiritualized by the sound and Mantra Powers.
Prānāyāma, Dhyāna and Japa are essential to withdraw the mind from external attractions and repulsions and to consecrate it to the deity-worship.
FIVE KINDS OF WORSHIP In the Seventh chapter of the Gautamiya Tantra it is said: "Worship is of five kinds, namely Abhigamana, Upādāna, Ijyā, Svā. dhyāya and Yoga."
Abhigamana' is going to the place of worship cleansing the place where Devatā is seated and removing from the image the pastes, flowers, garlands, etc. 'Upādāna' is collecting materials for worship such as flowers, incense, sandal, etc. 'ljyä' is the name given to worship proper of Ishtadevatā with offerings (Upachāras) and with Mantras after Bhūtashuddhi, Prānāyāma, Nyāsa and Mental worship. 'Svādhyāya' is doing of Japa and recitation of hymns. 'Yoga' is the meditation of Ishtadevatā in one's mind. 'Abhigamana'and 'Upādāna'grant 'Sāmīpya.' 'Ijyā' grants ‘Sādịşya' (similarity), 'Svādhyāya' grants "Sārūpya' (Identity of form), and Yoga grants Sãyujya' (Union) as their respective fruits. (See Principles of Tantra Vol. II). The nineteen matters one should know before performing 'Shatkarma' are enumerated in the 4th and 5th verses of 25th Taranga of Mantra Mahodadhi given below:
देवता देवसावर्णा ऋतुदिदिवसासनम् । विन्यासा मंडलं मुद्राक्षरं भूतोदयः समित् ॥ मालाग्निर्लेखनं द्रव्यं कुंडसुक्खुवलेखनी। षट्कर्माणि प्रयुंजीत ज्ञात्वैतानि यथातथम् ॥-मन्त्रमहोदधौ २५ तरंगे श्लो० ४-५