having forgotten a syllable of the particular Mantra or Vidya.* That shows the importance attached to the sound-force in Mantravāda. It cannot be said that the Vidyadhara using Vidyas daily must not have developed his Thought-Force but the Vidya-deity would not act merely through his thought-force unaided by the sound force of the particular Vidya. We have stated above that when invoked the Mantra-deity appears before the Mantrasiddha and carries out the desired occult operation. This is so in most of the occult operations. There are some minor objects, such as cures of diseases etc., achieved through certain Mantras; and the writer has been informed that in such cases a deity does not appear before the operator, but carries out the desired objects unseen. It may be so or it may be the Thought force of the operator working with the Sound-force of the Mantra that effects the cure by its operation on the subconscious mind of the patient as is considered to be the case by modern psychologists in all faithcures. It is difficult to give more detailed information on the subject, where the general tendency is to conceal and to keep to oneself what one knows, where people would not even acknowledge or admit their having acquaintance with Mantra. This is so because in many places people look down upon the Mantrikas owing to the evil practices of some of their class. This class is gradually becoming extinct and the tradition therefore is not handed down unbroken. It is hoped however that when the main features of occult operations performed through Mantras as here set forth become well known others would publish their experiences.
According to Sivasamhita there are four kinds of Yoga: Man
* Cf. मंत्रो हीनः स्वरतो घर्णतो वा मिथ्याप्रयुक्तो न तमर्थमाह ।
स वाग्वत्रो यजमान हिनस्ति यर्थेद्रशत्रुः स्वरतोऽपराधात् ॥