women, in every age, in every country. In the most barbaric African village its properties are as well known as in the most ancient civilizations. An image of a person was made of wax, wood, clay or anything else that was suitable to the purpose and pins, nails and daggers were struck all over it with intention of communicating the wound to the victim at a distance, and torturing and killing him according to the iptensity of the hatred."
In Indian Magic also many a time such images and objects are employed in Màraņa Karma. It is generally supposed that witchcraft originated in the middle ages of Europe. It is quite true that during the middle ages these practices were more openly prevalent but they were carried on in secret here and there among all nations. In a Papal Bull issued by John XXII in 1317, he complains that his own courtiers were proficient in the Black Art. They had mirrors, rings, circles, and magic images by means of which they could see what was transpiring at a distance, and could wound and kill."
DESIRE “The strongest desire-the most rigid Will will fail to accomplish any thing for the person who has not formed a clear mental picture or the idea of exactly what he does want."
One must, therefore, pick out the sense that he really wants to accomplish or to acquire and then proceed to build up the strongest kind of desire for those things. In this way he sets into operation the law of thought-materialization and incidentally the law of attraction; and preliminary operations whereby the ideal becomes real are started in motion. Very often you may not be able to form complete mental image at the start, but then try to see the first stage or the first detail as clearly as possible. Then gradually fill in further details till the picture is complete. Then long for it, crave it, hunger and thirst for it. Desire is the fire which produces the steam of action. No matter how a man may be otherwise well qualified with powers of perception, reason, judgment, application or even will-unless he also possesses strong desire for accomplishment the other faculties will never be brought into action. Desire is the great inciter of mental and physical activities and arouser of the Will. "Desire is at the bottom of all feelings." People have got into the habit of speaking