“यस्य कस्य प्रयोगस्य विधिरेष प्रकीर्तितः । दिनत्रयं प्रकुर्वीत पूजाभोगविधानतः ॥२७॥ त्रिरात्रं भूमिशायी स्याद् ब्रह्मचर्यरतः शुचिः। त्रिदिनाज्जायते स्वप्नं साधकस्य वरानने ॥२८॥ सिद्धं साध्यमरिं चैव सुसिद्धमथवा ध्रुवम् । अवश्यं वदति स्वप्ने मन्त्राधिष्ठानदेवता ||२९|| यदा न जायते स्वप्नं तदासाध्यं विनिर्दिशेत् । नो चेद्यथाश्रतं स्वप्ने तत्तथैव विनिर्दिशेत् ॥३०॥
-श्रीयन्त्रचिन्तामणिकल्पे, द्वितीयपीठिका ॥ It is not stated above but is understood that during the three day's worship the Sadhaka should recite the Mantra at least 12500 times; in case of a mere Yantra, Pūjā alone for three days is deemed sufficient.
According to Lalitasahasranama-Bhasya (P. 5) Purascarana means preliminary worship after initiation (Mantra-Dīkşā) and before 'Upāsti' i. e. actual worship. Actual Upāsti is therefore 'Uttaraseva'. Visesavasyaka-Bhasya V. 1199 and Haribhadrasuri's commentary on Avasyakasūtra (P. 74B) explaining the same are cited below as they give a similar explanation.
पाएण पुचसेवा परिमउई साहणमि गुरुतरिआ । होति महाविज्जाए किरिया पायं सविग्धा य ।।
-विशेष० भाष्य श्लो० ११९९ "The Pūrvasevā-preliminary worship is generally easy and the rites of Sādhanā relating to Mahāvidyā are very difficult and are generally full of obstacles".
“अनेकसंवत्सरानुपालिताचाम्लादि-पुरश्चरणक्रियासादित-गुणान्तरोत्तरसहायक्रियारहित-विद्यासाधकवत् साधने (विद्यासाधने-मोक्षसाधने) क्रिया दुर्लभा प्रायः सविना (चित्तविघातादिप्रचुरविघ्नत्वात् )| Here also actual Sadhana is distinguished from Pūrvaseva and is thus identified with Uttarasevā. These authorities bear out the writer's view. UNITY OF PANCA-PARAMEŞTI-MANTRA, VARDHAMĀNA-VIDYĀ AND
SŪRIMANTRA According to Simhatilakasūri's Vardhaniāna Vidyākalpa, page