rienced. The recitation of all Amals is preceded by and ends with the recitation of Darud-e-Sharif eleven times.
The 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet are believed to have mystical character. Each of the four elements has seven letters. Each of the letters has again distinct numerical value. This knowledge is used for divination, charms and certain occult practices as also medicine and chemistry. Each of the letters is believed to have a separate spirit attached to it-"a servant appointed by Allāh to attend upon it."
THE NAQSHBANDI ZIKR Zikr is the union of the heart and the tongue in calling upon God's name Allāh. It commences with the recital of La-ilah-ill'-Allah -wa-Muhammad-ur-Rasulullāh.
Zikr is recited in two ways: loudly or silently. The former is called Zikr-e-Jehr and the latter Zikr-e-Khafi. The practice has reference to the command of the Prophet to Abu-Bakr, the first Caliph, whilst concealed together in a cave, 'to recite the Zikr in silence,' so as not to be heard by their pursuers, and to 'Alī, the fourth Caliph 'to call loudly God's name without ceasing' to receive Divine assistance The silent recital is however preferred by the Naqshbandis. Eyes are closed, the mouth firmly shut, the tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth, teeth held tight against each other, and retaining breath patiently in one respiration one should say Zikr three times with one's heart and not the tongue allowing thus the heart to be impressed with meditative Zikr. The object is to keep the heart occupied with the idea of God. It will be filled with awe, love and respect for Him. Zikr is said to be perfect if one is able even in the company of a crowd to continue to effect the same. A proper conception of the tauhid, or 'Unity of God' is thus retained. The readers will remember that the Tāntrikas also consider mental Japa or the recitation of Mantras as the best. (See p. 83 ante).
KUNDALINI YOGA AND OTHER YOGIC PRACTICES. Shaikh Ahmad, Naqshbandi mystic and the Mujaddid of the