famous Durgāsaptashati and state that the antiquarians consider very ancient and its text untampered by interpolators.
Whatever view as to the date of each of these purānas may be taken it is certain that they are prior to the date when Buddhist
Tantras according to Dr. B. Bhattāchäryya became known i. e. about 700 A. D.
NĀGARJUNA'S KAKSAPUTA Dr. B. Bhattāchāryya says that Saraha, Nāgārjuna and others were chief masters to boldly and publicly preach the Tántric doctrines. Now Nāgārjuna is said to have flourished cir. 645 A. D. He wrote a work named Kaksaputa. This work is published in Calcutta in a collection named Indrajālavidyāsangraha and the above work is called there Siddhanagarjunakaksaputam. At p. 265 of the said work occurs the following passage which speaks for itself and shows the indebtedness of Nāgārjuna to Hindu Tantras styled Agamas. It may be noted that it also includes Atharvaņa Mahāveda amongst the Agamas consulted by him for composition of his said work Kakşapuța. He also mentions Sankara as having described in times of yore various modes of attain. ing success in 'Vidyas' when asked by Parvati.
संसारे बहु विस्तीर्णे विद्यासिद्धिरनेकधा। प्रोक्तवाञ्छङ्करः पूर्व यदि पृच्छति पार्वती ॥ अन्यैर्देवगणैः सिद्धर्मुनिदेशिकसाधकैः । . यद्यदुक्तं हि शास्त्रेषु तत्सर्वमवलोकितम् ॥ शाम्भवे यामले शास्त्रे (शाक्ते v.1.) मौले कौलेयडामरे। स्वच्छन्दे काकुले (लाकुले v.1.) शौचे (शैवे v.1.) राजतन्त्रेऽमृतेश्वरे ।। उड्डीशे वातुले तंत्रे उच्छिष्टे सिद्धशाबरे। किंकिणी मेस्तंत्रे च काकचंडीश्वरीमते ।। शाकिनीडाकिनीतंत्रे रौद्रेऽनुग्रहनिग्रहे । कौतुके शक्तितंत्रे च निराकार गुणोत्तरे॥ हरमेखलके तंत्रे इंद्रजाले रसाणवे ।
1v.1. कालचंडेश्वरे 2 v.1. शाल्यतंत्रे 3 v.1. क्रियाकाल.