Happy Sermons
Master's Role in Spiritual Culture The eternal bliss reveals on him, Who discerns self from motley heap, To equip thee with discerning sense, Practise to sit at master's feet. 71 Master is great beacon light, Showing the various paths of life, But helping only those ship-wrecked, Who themselves feel inclined to right. 72
Self is his Own Guide.
34. Self alone has urge for truth,
Animated with his lovely visions, And makes quests in diverse fields,
Propelled by his own missions. 35. As ether in the realm of matter,
Helps only those prone to move, So all the teachers and scriptures, Only help right-minded souls. 74 They neither bestow any wisdom, On perverse, niggards, and fools,
ey extract any knowledge, From the high enlightened souls. 75 Self alone is foe and friend, He has all the keys of betterment, So one should look to one's own self, For all his failures and success. 76
The Essential Requisites of a devotee 36. Who has a calm and content mind.
Who loves to live a lonely life, Is eager most for lasting truth, Is devotee best of life divine. 77
Life Features of a Yogi The more he reveals the truth of life,
The higher he soars from lustful world. 38. The higher he soars from lustful world.
The more he reveals the truth of life. 78
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