Chapter - 1
सव्वण्हूणाणदिट्ठो जीवो उवओगलक्खणो णिच्चं। किह सो पोग्गलदव्वीभूदो जं भणसि मज्झमिणं ॥२४॥
savvanhūnānadittho jīvo uvaogalakkhano niccam. kiha so poggaladavvībhūdo jam bhanasi majjhamiņam.. 24
जदि सो पोग्गलदव्वीभूदो जीवत्तमागदं इदरं।
तो सक्को वोत्तुं जं मज्झमिणं पोग्गलं दव्वं ॥२५॥ jadi so poggaladavvībhūdo jīvattamāgadam idaram. to sakko vottum jam majjhamiņam poggalam davvam.. 25
(Annāna mohidamadi bahu-bhāva-samjutto jīvo) The unenlightened soul which is deluded and perverted by ingorance and nescience (bhaņadi) says that (iņam) these (baddham tahā abaddham ca) body, kith & kin, friends, wealth, etc. (poggalam davvam) in fact all sorts of material possessions (majjham) are mine; however, (savvanhū-ņānadittho) the truth which is directly apprehended by the omniscient (kevalī) is (niccham uvaogalakkhano jīvo) that the jīva always possesses consciousness, (kiha so poggala-davvībhūdo) and how can it then also possess (or become) material substance? (jam bhaṇasi) If anybody says that (majjhaminam) these material properties are possessed by me, can be true only (jadi so poggala davvībhūdo) if jīva can be transformed into matter or (idaram jīvattamāgadam) matter, somehow, becomes jīva (to vottum) in that case it can be stated (je) that (inam poggalam davvam majjham) material things are possessed by me. Annotations :
By these verses, Ācārya admonishes those who cling to their delusion and perverted knowledge and continue to regard the alien (non-self) objects as their own. In its worldly life, every jīva is associated with several things, some animate, others inanimate. First of all it has its own material or physical body which, of course, is very intimately united (baddha) with jīva. Then there are the kith and kin, friends, community, nation, domestic pets which lack that intimate relation (abaddha) that exists between the soul and its own body. Then there are inanimate assets-fields, houses, ornaments, etc.-which are purely material. To regard all these as one's own-individuals (persons) as relations and things as one's assets or property-and/or identify one's self with these alien things is the result of delusion (moha) and perverted knowledge.
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