Chapter - 10
identifies himself with them, (eso nissamsayam micchadithi havadi) such person, undoubtedly, has false or perverted belief and [is, in reality unenlightened)].
(Tamhā) For this reason, (na me tti nacca) having known that these alien substances [i.e., non-self) do not belong to the self, (edāna donhum paradavve kattivavasāo jāņamto jānnejjā aditthirahidānam) [and] knowing the (false) vyavasāya [conviction) of creativity (of self) in alien substances [i.e., non-self] of both-the common people and the so called ascetics (or so called enlightened person), (you) understand that this vyavasāya (conviction) is) of those who are possessed of perverted belief. The Soul (Self) is the Causal Agent for producing
Psychic Dispositions (Bhāva Karma) मिच्छत्तं जदि पयडी मिच्छादिट्ठी करेदि अप्पाणं।
तम्हा अचेदणा दे पयडी णणु कारगा पत्ता॥२१॥ micchattam jadi payaļī micchāditthí karedi appūnam.
tamhā acedaņā de payadi ņaņu kāragā pattā..21 - अहवा एसो जीवो पोग्गलदव्वस्स कुणदि मिच्छत्तं।
तम्हा पोग्गलदव्वं मिच्छादिट्ठी ण पुण जीवो॥२२॥ ahavā eso jivo poggaladavvassa kunadi micehattam. tamhā poggaladavvam micchāditthi na puņa jīvo..22
अह जीवो पयडी तह पोग्गलदव्वं कुणंति मिच्छत्तं।
तम्हा दोहि कदं तं दोण्हि वि भुंजंति तस्स फलं॥२३॥ aha jīvo payaļī taha poggaladavvam kunamti micchattam. tamhā dohi kadam tam donhi vi bhumjamti tassa phalam..23
अह ण पयडी ण जीवो पोग्गलदव्वं करेदि मिच्छत्तं।
तम्हा पोग्गलदव्वं मिच्छत्तं तं तु ण हु मिच्छा॥२४॥ aha na payaļī na jīvo poggaladavvam karedi micchattam. tamhā poggaladavvam micchattam tam tu ņa hu micchā..24
(Jadi) If [the soul is absolutely immutable and a non-producer [according to your belief) and] (micchattam payadi appānam micchāditthi karedi) it is the rise of mithyātva prakrti (species quâ perversity) of deluding karma responsible for making the soul mithyādrsti [i.e., one with pervered belief]-[it is alone responsible
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