Chapter - 10
annäni kammuphalain puyadisahāvatthido du vededi. ņāni puņu kamınaphalum jāņadi udidam na vededi..9
(Jā esa cedago payudiyattham nu vimuincudi) So long as the soul does not transcend the auxiliary causal force exerted by the (eight main) species of karina on its own psychic states, (tāva ayāṇago micchūdithi asamjado have) it continues its perverse cognition, perverted world-vicw and inabstinence; (that is, it remains unenlightened).
(Jadū cedā unamtayam kammaphalam vimuincude) But when the soul is able to transcend (renounce) its beginningless desire for enjoying the fruition of karma, (tadā) then and only then (vimutto jānago passago muni havadi) it can cut across the bondage and becomes the knower, the seer and the true ascetic; (that is, it acquires right belief and right knowledge].
(Annūní du) The unenlightened soul, (payadisahāvarthido) establishing himself in the nature of karmu-prakrti (karmic species), (kamınaphalam vededi) enjoys or suffers the fruits of karina; (puna nāni) and the enlightened one (udidain kammuphalam jāņudi) (only) remains aware of the fruits of karina (na vededi) [but] does not enjoy or suffer them. Annotations :
In these verses, the author lays down a practical criterion for a true ascetic (muni). As stated in the preceding verses, entanglement of the Self with various species of kurma has no beginning and could also be endless if the soul is unable to acquire the ability to transcend the force exerted by the potency of the karma for determining the psychic states of the self. The inter-determination of the two substances, as explained in the preceding verse, creates a powerful vicious circle and the soul is unable to escape from the wheel of uninterrupted cycles of rebirths.
The ajñāni, i.e., the unenlightened soul without the true knowledge of its own pure nature, believes the self and the nonself to be the same and identifies itself with the body and the karmu.. Consequently, it continues to enjoy (or suffer) the fruits of karmu. Ultimately, the soul itself has to endeavor to escape from the vicious circle by increasing the centrifugal force which can overwhelm the
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