he will, immediately, terminate his relationship in order to avoid future damage. Similarly, one may become enamoured with auspicious karmu, knowing it to be virtuous. But as soon as he knows the truth that far from being virtuous it is vicious and jetters him to the worldly state, he should terminate his affection for it, that is, experience its fruition impartially.
In the last verse no. 4.6, the author addresses bhavya souls and enjoins them to terminate every kind of attachment and affection from their heart, because even subtlemost attachment to karma albeit auspicious, is a hindrance for emancipation. Unshakable Belief (Faith) in the Transcendental State
of the Soul is Essential for Self-realization परमट्ठो खलु समओ सुद्धो जो केवली मुणी णाणी।
तम्हि ट्ठिदा सहावे मुणिणो पावंति णिव्वाणं॥७॥ paramattho khalu samao suddho jo kevalī muni ņāṇī. tamhi tủhidā sahāve muniņo pāvamti ņivvānam..7 परमम्मि दु अठिदो जो कुणदि तवं वदं च धारयदि।
तं सव्वं बालतवं बालवदं विंति सव्वण्हू॥८॥ paramathammi du athido jo kunadi tavam vadam ca dhārayadi. tam savvam bālatavam bālavadam vimti savvanhū..8
वदणियमाणि धरंता सीलाणि तहा तवं च कुव्वंता।
परमट्ठबाहिरा जे णिव्वाणं ते ण विदंति॥९॥ vadaniyamāni dharamtā sīlāni tahä tavam ca kuvvamtā. paramatthabāhirā je nivvānam te ņa vimdamti..9
परमट्टबाहिरा जे ते अण्णाणेव पुण्णमिच्छंति। . FARTUS fa HTC Priat II Po 11 paramarthabāhirā je te annāneva punnamicchamti. samsāragamaṇahedum vi mokkhahedum ayānamtā.. 10
(Khalu jo paramattho) Undoubtedly the pure and perfect state of the soul (transcendental state) is (samao, suddho, kevalī, munī, nāņi) SELF, pure, omniscient, muni (self-absorbed], consciousness, 1. All souls in the worldly state (samsārī jiva) are not endowed with fitness to obtain self-realization. Those who are endowed with such fitness are called Bhavya.
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