Training in Nonviolence
see whether there is anyone else who is as dependent as me. If there is one, it is good. Watch binds my schedule. I go by it. I am dependent on it. My daily routine from 4 am to 10 am is strictly regulated by a timetable. I sit for work at 2.30 pm in the afternoon and continue it till 3 pm. Another work begins at 3 pm, which lasts till 4 pm. Thus my entire routine of the day is packed with different types of spiritual pursuits. How can a person can be independent whose daily routine is governed by the watch? He is dependent on watch. I also feel that I am not free. All the monks and nuns know it well that my time is regulated by means of a schedule. I do not have free time at all. If someone wants to meet us in connection with an important task, we have to suspend one or the other activity to accommodate his request. As a matter of fact I have no free time. I warn shravaks and shravikas (votaries) not to think that I am free. You will never find me sitting idle or relaxing. If they bring someone for a meeting with me, they must do so by a prior appointment. (v) Faith in Doing Something New
Viewed from another standpoint I can say that I am free. It means that I want to do something new, something innovative I have learnt it from Acharya Tulsi. We have not to confine our work to what we already have. I have faith in doing something new. Hence we are free to draw several new lines. Whatever we have done in the field of education appears new to people. A few days back some scientists of Udaipur including a former vice-chancellor of an agricultural university came and expressed a desire that they wanted to know about Preksha Dhyan (Perceptive meditation) and Jivan Vigyan (Science of Living) from a scientific perspective. They organized a seminar. Some scientists representing different fields came and expressed their views. The questions chosen for discussion were: How are endocrine glands related to Preksha Meditation? How are the glands of the endocrine system and hormones secreted? How are secretions changed? They also spoke about how the flow or secretion changes. They also learnt about our scientific experiments. They came again a day before yesterday and did Preksha Meditation. I asked them how they felt and they replied that it was a good experience. (vi) Reconciliation Between Religion and Science
We do not want to foster stereotyped customary practices or blind beliefs in the name of religion. We accept the new truth that has been revealed to us by both religion and science. We believe in the truth whether it has been discovered by religious leaders or by scientists or even by a child. Yesterday I taught a child muni, 'If you have something good to say, do speak about it whether anyone believes in it or not. Baladapi subhashitam - learn good things even from children. We should keep the window of learning open. We can learn good things from anyone. Knowledge is infinite. Why do we assert that we are the only ones who know and understand spiritual truth? There are several people in the world who are knowledgeable. We have to learn from them as well as share with them. I think from a scientific perspective. Reconciliation between science and spirituality has been my main area of work. It is why such intimate relationship has been developed
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