Obituary Notice
the final shape to the Dictionary. So that ultimatedy it started publication in 1978. The work is still in progress.
Dr. Katre's another area of interest pertained to the all-round development of linguistic studies in India. In 1939 a lone Chair for Indo. European Philology was established in the Deccan College. With Dr. Katre's occupancy of that Chair the research carried out by him and his students was given the name ". Katre School of Linguistics" by the renowned scholar Dr. Siddheshvar Varma of the University of Jammu. But Dr. Katre was not satisfied by the progress he had made for he realized that what was then being done in the Deccan College went only in one direction viz, historical linguistics. The science of linguistics had many other equally important aspects. Dr. Katre desired all-round development of the science. To fulfil his plans be took the first step in organizing in the Deccan College in 1953 a Conference of Linguists and Educationists in India. As a result of the deli. berations of this Conference wbich were published in the form of a Report, Dr. Katre was able to secure a handsome grant from the Rockefeller Fountion of the United States. With this help, which lasted for five years, Dr. Katre was able to organize Winter Seminars and Summer Schools of Lingui. stics at Pune and at different Universities in India from 1955 to 1960. Rocke. feller Foundation's help also enabled Dr. Katre to seek cooperation of lingui. sts from America and Great Britain to participate in the teaching progiamme at those Schools and Seminars. Some of the Indian scholars who attended these Schools and Seminars were awarded Junior and Senior Fellowships by the Rockefeller Foundation to enable them to proceed to the United States for a year or two for advanced study in linguistics. As a result of this total activity, Departments of Linguistics were established at many Universities in India and they were staffed by the products of the linguistic activity intiated by Dr. Katre. In 1964 the Deccan College was recognized by the University Grants Commission as a Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistica,
Dr. Katre's third principal activity pertains to the Deccan Collega publications. From the very first year of its coming into existence the Deccan College Research Institute started publishing its own annual Bulletin which provided the means to its staff and students to publish their research. The Bulletin was mainly looked after by Dr. Katre. Much later after he became tbc Director of the Institute, he initiated many new Series like the Deccan College Monograph Series ( 1946 ), Deccan College Dissertation Series (1946), Deccan College Hand-Book Series (1951), and Building Centenary Series (1964). Besides, as a supplement to the work that was being dune in the Sanskrit Dictionary Department he started a series called Sources of Indo.
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