Annals BORI, LXXIX ( 1998)
At the end we have two Indices, one, of the words and the other, of the passages discussed.
The second of Kleine Schriften Volume contains Thieme's articles and reviews published since 1970 and up to 1990 They appeared after those contained in the first collection noticed above. In addition, there appear in the second volume : (1) three articles which from the point of view of the time of their publication belong to the first collection. (They are : (i) " Sanskrit sindhu- Sindhu- and Old Iranian hindu- Hindu-", 1970; (ii) Merkwürdige indische Worte", 1942; and (ii) “ The Comparative Method for Reconstruction in Linguistics ", 1954, and (2) an unpublished lecture delivered by Thieme in the Deutschen Orientalistentag in Erlangen in 1977 on "Stand und Aufgaben der Rigveda- Philologie". 'H.wever, two unpublished lectures of Thieme which he delivered in Japan in Novembe 1988 at the time of his being honoured with the Kyoto-Preis" could not be included in the present Volume. Like wise, a few of Thieme's articles and reviews which he wrote after 1990 (some in presss and some already published' ) do not find place in this Volume. The editor informs us that they have been reserved for a supplementary Volume which will also include Thieme's article on Ancient Indian Theatre, contributed to the Fernöstliches Theatre 1966, but which is now out of print.
The Table of Contents of this Volume serves also the purpose of being a Bibliograplıy of Thieme's writings of the period 1970-1990. It has the Following seven divisions : (A) Veda exegesis and Word-studies (only one of the listed articles not included in the Volume); (B) General and Indo-European Linguistics ( all the listed articles included); (C) Miscella. neous contributions to Cultural and Religious History (all the listed articles included); (D) Sanskrit Grammar ( both the listed articles included ); (E) Various Articles (two of the three listed articles included ); (F) Appreciations (the only listed item is not included); and (G) Reviews (both the listed reviews included ).
At the end we have Addenda and Corrigenda, (wo Lists (i) of words dealt with and (ii) of passages dealt with, and finally a combined Index of
# For this reason they are marked in the List of Contents of this Volume as Nachtrag
zu Bd. I. 3 These are : his article (title not given) which is to appear in Georg Buddruss Felicita
tion Volume, and "Reflections on the Vocabulary of Zarathushtra's Gathas." Review of M. Mayrbofer's Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen in BSOAS LYII, 1994, and his essay: "Zur Frühgeschichte des Scbacb," 1994,
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