This has been rendered as : "(siace) those seers called Präpa', the seven gods Rudra and others ever particularly wait upon that Prāga which is supported in the head ".
Observations :
(i) The authors have unnecessarily combined stanzas 23 and 24 into one sentence. The two stanzas contain two statements, complete in themselves.
(ii) The authors apparently render the text word yasmāt as since'. In that case it is not clear why they have put it into brackets. On the other band, the words sapla devatāh of stanza 23 are not repeated in stanza 24. Therefore the words the seven gods' should bave been put into brackets.
(iii) The authors surprisingly omit translating the word madhyama which occurs in the stanza and instead choose to inform the readers in footnote 6 that the word Prāņa in this stanza refers to madhyama prāna. In this footnote they should have better referred to Br. Up. 2. 2. 1 : 7 ara fertutsa : TIT:
(iv) What applies to the word upăsate of stanze 23 ( see observation ii above ) equally applies to paryupāsate of this stanza.
(v) Mürdhni pratyāhitam does not mean which is supported in the head', but which is placed in the head'. This has reference to Br Up. 2.2.3 where we find the word nihitam (gafast: ... afar Tait fafca favegfafai 970 à 7 fara aromaatik ). This makes clear what is meant by mürdhni pratyāhitam.
(vi) The authors have completely misunderstood the meaning of st. 24. The stanza says that the seers called Prāṇass sit around the Prāga placed in the head' since, as told in the preceding stanza 23, the seven gods, Rudra and others, sit around the Prāpa ( madhyama ) in the eye. The stanza is therefore to be rendered as :
"The seers called the Prāgas ( sit around ) the Prāņa placed in the head, since (the seven gods ), Rudra and others, constantly sit around the middle ( Prāna).
. Rather Praņas. (pl.). 9 Cf. By Up. 2. 2. 3: ST191 444 M ACR I This is explained by Sankara as ?
प्राणाः परिस्पन्दात्मकाः, त एव च ऋषयः । * Explained by sai kara as : 91on: 1191 21977 AF: A ag weat: • Explained by saikara as : ASHTA: 9107: Erica q: spuit FITATI
Madhu Vidyā/717
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