ET LES INSCRIPTIONS, Tome III : by Ludwik Sternbach, Publications De L'Institut De Civilisation ladienne, Série in-8“, Fascicule
51, Paris, 1985. pp. xlii, 415.
The list of the authors in this volume giving stanzas ascribed to them in the anthologies and the inscriptions begins with Yampyāku (1138) ( Papaka 788) and ends with Hexidhanesora (1903). This volume also notes a few additions (1904-1919) to the first two volumes and has an Errata to Vol. II. The first two volumes were published in 1980 and 1982*. The present volume has been prepared on the samne lines as those followed in the first two.
As has been noted by the author in his Introduction (p. xv) published in Tome I, the purpose of these volumes is " d'enregistrer les vers des pocies, soit inconnus, soit connus, sous la forme qui est la leur, dans les anthologies et les inscriptions."
This purpose has been admirably achieved in this as well as the other two volumes. All of them bear testimony to the indefatigable industry and great devotion of the author. There is no doubt that the three volumes will be highly useful as reference works.
M. A. Mehendale
BHRGUS - A STUDY : by Jayanti Panda, B. R. Publishing Corpora
tion, Delhi 110052, 1984, pp. xii, 200. Price: Rs. 120/
The Bhrgus or the Bhiirgavas form an important family of the ancient secrs known since the Vedic times. Their influence extends to the following periods and is reflected in the cpics and the Puranas. The authoress has made a bold attempt to cover this entire period in the first four chapters of her book in the last chapter - Conclusion -- she calls attention to certain important aspects of the Bhargavas such as their relationship with the deitics,
• These have been noticed by Shri S. V. Sohoni in the ABORI LXV (1894), pp. 323
Madhu Vidyā/666
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