ABORI: R. G. Bhandarkar 150th Birth Anniversary Volume
barhiņa- peacock', their sounds heard in Dyaitavana 3. 229. 13; Dear
Himalayan rivers 3. 39. 18. Cf. barhin-, mayūra, śikhin., sikhandin.. barhin- peacock', on Gandhamādana dancing to the tune of the anklets of
Apsaras 3, 146, 26; in a simile 3. 255. 11. Cf. barhina., mayūra.,
sikhin., śikhandin.. balākā- crane ', bear the monsoon cloud 3. 84. 11; falls dead when looked at
angrily by a Brābmana 3. 197. 3-5. bhāsa- kind of vulture', feast on flesh and blood of the dead 3. 255. 31. bhujaga- snake', mythical, in the retinue of Hara 3. 221. 16. Cf. uraga.,
enāga-, pannaga., bhogin-, sarpa.. bhujanga-, snake', killed by a hunter 3. 60. 27; very poisonous on Himālaya
3. 107. 11. Cf. āśivişa-, uraga-, pannaga , bhujaga-, bhogin-, sarpabhurunda- ' wild animal (?)', appear at the release of raudra astra 3. 170. 43. bhřngarāja- large bee', on Himavant mountain 3. 107. 7, 175. 7; uttering
sweet sounds on Gandhamādana 3. 155. 76. bhogin- serpent (mythical)', seven headed poison-eyed guard the Sveta moun
tain 3. 214. 11; Rävaņa, their enemy 3. 275. 30, 47. Cf. asivişa-,
uraga-, pannaga-, bhujaga-, enāga-, sarpa.. bhramara- bee', humming in forest 3. 296. 41; flowering forests on way to
Dvaita vana full of them 3. 229. 13; on mango trees on Gandhamādana 3, 155, 60; figure in comparison (Arjuna's arrows) 3. 167. 22;
in a subhāşita ( madhuhā bhramarair iva) 3. 34. 68. Cf, madhukara.. makara- corcodile ', seen in ocean 3. 166. 3, in the southern Ocean 3, 261, 53;
ocean called makarālaya 3. 105. 23, 275, 51 ; on the flag of Pradyumna 3. 18. 2; 19. 11; appear at the release of raudra astra 3. 170.
44 ; figure in similo 3, 254, 19. Cf, nakra.. makşikā - fly', one meets them on the Gandhamädana if one is not restrained
3. 142. 27. mandūka- frog', figure in a narrative 3. 190. 30 ff. matsya- fish', eat piece of meat in water 3. 2. 39; do not wink when asleep
3. 297. 43; cranes live on fish 3. 297. 11; gold and silvery fish found in Vimalatīrtha 3. 80. 103; cursed by Fire to be the food of human beings 3.212. 9-10; fish will be food of men in Kali age 3. 188. 21; a fish requested Manu to save it from the strong fish; this fish later saved Manu from deluge 3. 185. 6 ff. Cf. mina..
Madhu Vidyā/456
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