This paper is in continuation of the one on "The Flora in the Araṇyaka. parvan of the Mahabharata" published in the ABORI LXVII (1986), 233-242. As mentioned there these entries can be looked upon as specimens of the "Cultural Index to the Mahabharata ". According to the scheme of classification accepted for the "Cultural Index", the information given here will belong to section 4, 7:"Animals, birds, serpents etc.",
The following list does not include words for animals, birds etc. if they occur as names - or as parts of names of persons, like Baka 3. 12. 22 etc., Baka Dalbhya 3. 27. 5, Kunjara 3. 249. 10, Suka 3. 32. 11, Syenajit 3. 190. 73, Brhadaśva 3.193. 4, Vrkodara 3. 12. 27 etc.; of mountains, like Rsabha 3. 83. 19, Rsabbakuta 3, 109. 7, Rksavant 3. 58. 20, etc.; of towns, like Nagapura 3. 90. 22, 180. 34, Väranasähvaya 3. 293, 14, etc.; of tirthas, like Rsabha 3. 83. 10, Ekahamsa 3. 81. 16, Nägatirtha 3. 82. 27-29, Dhenukätfrtha 3. 82. 16, Aivatirtha 3, 93. 3. It also does not include words for animals etc, if they occur in epithets like ursadhvaja 3. 81, 62, etc. or vrabhadhvaja (of Siva) 3, 80, 125, etc., suparnaketu (of Krsna) 3. 173. 15; or in expressions showing excellence like narakunjara 3. 266. 15, vänarapuhgava 3. 270. 7, etc., raksasapulguva 3. 264. 43, puruşarṣabha 3, 262. 7, etc., puruşavyäghra 3. 248. 4, etc., kurusardula 3. 83, 97, etc., purusatardula 3. 296. 22, etc., purusasimha 3. 272, 23.
boa', of huge form took hold of Damayanti 3. 60. 20, of Bhima 3. 175. 1, 16, its description of colourful skin, yellow in colour - 12-15, called pṛdäku 16, bhujuga 19, bhujamga 12, it had four fangs 14; Nahusa cursed to be a boa 3, 178. 45; described as graha 3. 60. 20, 21, 22. See graha..
aja (in ajaidakam) goat', people will milk goats in Kali age (since cows will not be available) 3, 188. 21; ajina-goat-skin' used for wearing by those who live in forest 3. 226. 19, 20; 227, 9. Cf. edaka.
Jain Education International
1. Entries on proper names like Välin, Sugriva, Karkoṭaka etc. will not be found here. They will go under section 1. 5 (names of animals, birds, serpents etc.).
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