Annals BORI, LXVII ( 1986 )
bhallā taka - marking-nut trees', on the Gandhamadada mt. 3. 155.42;
cashew-out fruit offered by R$yaśroga to the courtezan 3.111.12. madhurang 'forest of honcy(-yielding ?) trees', ocar Kişkindba, guarded
by Valin and then by Sugriva 3. 266. 26. madhūka 'arrac trccs'in bloom at the end of summer 3. 25. 17. mandāra - coral trees', on the Gandbamīdana mt. 3. 155. 45. māşa - bcaps, råkşasas compared with their heaps 3.268.34. mwilja -- grass, 3. 12. 49 (for comparison, munjavaj jarjari bhūtah padapah). muru - plant, sparcs made of muru (mouravah pasah)' destroyed by Krsoa
and the road to the town Progjyotişa cleared up 3. 13. 26. müla – rools. (Damayanti lived og roots 3. 62.26). mrnall – lotus plant,'. ( for comparison ) 3. 65. 12, 15. moca -- trees, on the Gandhamadana int. 3. 155.41. yarasa - grass, growing in the pond 3. 62. 3. rajiva - blue lolus ', for comparison (cycs ) 3. 277.23. rouhitaka - trecs, growing along tbc bank of Sarasvati 3. 174. 23. lik uca - frecs, on the Gandhamádana ml. 3. 155.41. lodhra - trees, growing in forest 3.61.4. vala b anyan trocs', on the Gandhamidana mot. 3.135.42; a rata tree on
the Gayasiras mi., known as Ak sayyakarand, where food givco 10
the mancs never gets cxhausted 3. 85. 8. ränira a sort of canc', grows in large oumbers on Ibc river Narmadi in
Avanti 3.87.2. (rksa) - trecs', unnamics, haviog Bowers whicb looked like gold or
forcst.fire, which were red or dark like collyrium, aod were like bcryl sound on the Gandhamidana mi. 3. 155. 61; tbe ml. also had shady ficcs (unnamed) blossoming and giving fruit in all tbe
scasons 3. 143.3; (scc pādapa ). renu -' bamboo', growing in forest 3.61. 3; occurs in a mode of expression
(in vitcs its own destruction ) 3.252. (cf. kadali aod nala ); for comparison (sound produced while striking one's arms in a fight
compared with the bursting of a bamboo ) 3. 12. 58. vclasa - cane'. growing in river 3. 61. 107; near a lake in the Dvaitavada
. According to B. Mauravas aod Pisas are names of tribes. 1 B. lotus sialk' lutus'.
Madhu Vidyā/444
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