In continuation of "A Cultural Index to the Mahabharata : Tentative Specimen Fascicule" ( ABORI 66. 117-152, 1985) is being published here the information on the plants and trees available in the Aranyakaparvan of the Mahābhāraia. It will form, according to the scheme of classification given in the above 'Specimen', entry No. 4. 5. 8: plants and trees'. Tho details given here under each head will naturally be augmented when more information will be available from the rest of the parvans. In the mean time the present entry will serve the purpose of giving the reader an idea of the kind of information he will get on this subject from the Mahabharata.
4. 5.8
Plants and trees ak sa - nut trece, on the banks of the Sarasvati river 3. 174. 23. ajāraka - 1rces, on the Gandhamnadana mountain 3. 155.40. atasi puspa - 'cornlower' (B), for comparing the colour of the skin of
the divinc child seen by Markaqdeya 3.186. 86. ambuja - Jotuses', yellow (harita) in colour in the pond on tbe Kailasa
mountain 3. 151. 3. arisja — soapberry trees' (B), growing in the forest 3. 61. 3. arka - trecs, their flowers used for worshipping the five Ganas ( who sprang
from Siva's semen) by those who desire wealth and freedom from
discases 3. 220. 14. arjuna - trees, growing in the forest 3,61.3; in bloom at the cod of the
summer in thc Dvaitavana 3. 25. 17. alābu - ' bottle gourd', from its seeds 60000 sons of king Sagara born
3. 104. 18. aśoka -- tree, called tarusreştha 3. 61.97; seen by Damayanti in full bloom
in the forest, shining with its chaplets it looked like king of Dramida 3.61.98; pun on the word - yatha visoka gacche yam asokanaga
B = J. A. B. van Buiteneo's traoslation. 30 (Annals BORT)
Madhu Vidyā/437
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