a herd consisting of only one kind of animals, 'some' of which may be of one type and 'some other (showing the difference in colour etc.).
Phonetically, the derivation of taowa from *trant va faces some difficulty which, however, is not unsurmountable. Avestun ow regularly corresponds to Skt. tv (Jackson, Avesta Grammar $94). Medial ow of zągwa is thus well explained. But in the initial position, tv should have shown 0w and not 2, e.g. Skt. trám: Av. Quam. We, therefore, expect to get awabwa and not valua if we wish to derive the word from *tvantra. But this difficulty can be explained in the following way. Double treatment of a comparable cluster in the initial position is seen in Avesta in the case of the cluster dv. It shows both dy and b., e.g. Av. dvarom: Sk. dvaram, Av. bitim: Sk. dvitiyam. Similarly, tv can be looked upon as showing two treatments initially, ow and v. To explain vaswa we have only to assume that the simplification of the initial cluster 6w to v was due to dissimilation (to avoid repetition of ow in two successive syllables). The initial v may have the phonetic value of Avestan v (corresponding to Skt. r). Or it may only be a graphic representation of the voiced spirant w. Occurrences of v for w in the internal position have been already noted by Jackson S 87. He also notes one instance of initial v for w, cf. vaệibya 'with both' for wazibya = uwaèibya : Sk. ubliablıyam. If in catwa initial v is only graphic, then rata = wgowa < *jualwa < *tvantra.
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