1. agnihvara
The word agnihvará appears in the Maitr. Sam 1.3.35 in one of the mantras used at the time of drawing the dadhigraha. The mantra in which the word occurs runs as : upayamagrhito'si prajápataye tyd jyotismate jyotismantam gihnāmi ratan de vebhyo dákşiya dak sav/dham agnihvarábhyas tyd Itá yübhyo indrajye $phebhyo ...... pithivyai tvæntárik şāya rva divé två !
With a few changes in the order of the words, the above mantra appears in the TS, the KS 39.5 and the Kaps 45.6. But the one important difference is that in the mantra of the latter three Samhitas we read devebhyo 'gnijihvebhyah 'to gods whose tongue is Agni' in place of devebhyo ......... agnihvaribhyas of the Maitrā-Sań.
MW gives, with a question mark, making a mistake in the fire-ceremonial' as the meaning of agnihvard, apparently deriving hvara from hvar * to deviate or diverge from the right line '. But this meaning is hardly suitable in the context.
It is, however, possible to explain hrará as a primary derivative from either hū to call' or hu' to offer' with the suffix -ara (Alt. Gr. II, 28112, pp. 215-216). The word hvará would mean 'inviter' or 'offerer' and the compound agnihvará would mean whose inviter is Agni' or 'whose offering priest is Agni'. This meaning would neatly suit the context. It may be noted that the gods are called agnihotaraḥ in the ķV 10.66,8 ( agnihotara rtasápo adr uho 'pá asrjann inu yitratúrye ).
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At the end of the M$ 1.3.35 occurs a mantra which is recited at the time of praying after the dadhi offering has been given. The first line of this mantra runs as tisró jihvi sya samidhaḥ prijmano 'gnér akınvann usijo ámȚtyave where jihy: occurs as an adjective of agni. A similar mantra appears in the RV 3.2.9 with yahvi sya in place of jihvá sya. It reads as tisró yahvisya samidhah parijmano 'gnér apunann usijo ámītyavah. It is difficult to look upon jihvi of the MS as a corruption of yahve of the RV. The shorter dictionary of Böhtlingk records this jihyd as an adjective of Agni but does not give any meaning. However, Böhtlingk seems to connect jihvá with jihvá 'tongue'.
In the light of the word hvara occurring in the same section of the MS and its explanation suggested above it is possible to look upon jihví sya
Madhu Vidyā/137
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