where buses and taxis are available. This place is on Dungarpur - Banswada road. From Kesariyaji, one can come here via Dungarpur. Private cars and buses can ply right upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is an Upashraya where water, electricity etc. are provided. Managed By : Sri Jain Shvetambar Paurushadaniya Parshvanath Bhagwan Mandir Pedhi P.O. Badoda - 314 038. Dist : Dungarpur, Rajasthan State.
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adinath Bhagwan in white colour seated in a lotus posture, of height 150 Cms (a four-fold image whose face is seen on all four sides) located on a hill known as fort of Dayalshah on the Rajasamand main highway 14/2 Kms far from Kankroli. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station of Kankorli is 5 Kms away from here where buses and taxis are available. This place is 11/2 Kms away from Rajasamand on Kankroli-Rajasamand road. Udaipur is 60 Kms away from this place. Cars and buses can go on the hills upto a small distance where there is a dharmashala. From here, to climb upto the temple there are about 250 steps. Buses and cars can go upto the temple in the circuit house route. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is a dharmashala with all facilities and
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