Sri Adinath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture and of height 35 Cms located in a shrine fortress, 5.6 Kms long and 0.8 Km wide on a mountain plateau 560 meters high above sea level. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station of Chittodgadh junction is 7 Kms away from the temples in Chittod fort and is on the AjmerKhandva railway line. From the railway station buses and taxis are available. There is a tar road upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is new dharamshala with all the facilities including a bhojanshala just opposite to the Chittodgadh railway junction. There is a dharamshala near the temple, which is at the fort, too but only with the facility of water and electricity. Managed By : Sri Sattavis Devari Jain Shvetambar Mandir Trust, Jain Dharmashala Railway Station Road, P.O. Chittodgadh - 312 001.Rajasthan Tel. : 01472-41971 (Pedhi Office), 01472-42162 (Fort Office) SRI KESARIYAJI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adinath Bhagwan in black colour, seated in a semilotus posture, of height about 105 Cms located in a Shrine in village known as Rishabdev beside the hills. Approach - Route :
The nearby railway ststion of Rishabdev road is 11 Kms away and that of Udaipur city is 66 Kms away. From Udaipur, Jain Education International 2000 por ate 86ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org