Approach - Route :
The railway station of Mandor is 12 Km away and the Jodhpur railway station is 9 Kms away. Buses, taxis are available from these places. Cars, buses can go upto the temple. The nearest airport is that of Jodhpur. Pali is at a distance of 75 Kms, Phalodi Parshvanath 105 Kms, Phalodi 120 Kms, Ajmer 230 Kms, Bikaner 270 Kms, Jaisalmer 275 Kms and Ahmedabad is at a distance of 455 Kms from this place. All modes of transport are available from the above mentioned places. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is Sinh Sabha Dadawadi in the close proximity. At Bheru Bagh Mandir, Sardarpura-Dasvi road, Dadawadi of Jodhpur, also there is lodging facilities with a bhojanshala too. Managed By : Sri Parshvanath Jain Shvetambar Mandir P.O. Mandor - 342 304. Dist : Jodhpur, Rajasthan State Organising Samiti : Sri Jain Shvetambar Khattargachha Sangh Kushal Bhavan, Near Ahore Ki Haveli, Jodhpur - 342 301. Rajasthan State. Telephone : 0291-626242
SRI GANGANI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Chintamani (Giver of wealth on mere thought) Parshvanath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, of height of 40 Cms located in a shrine in the village called Gangani. (Shve.) Jain Education International 2800 Porrate 75 ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org