Approach - Route :
The railway station of Nagore is 1 Km away from the temple. In the village, taxis and autos are available. Cars can ply upto the temple doors. The buses however have to stop almost a furlong away because the road thereafter is slipshod and irregular. By road this shrine is 135 Kms away from Jodhpur and 115 Kms from Bikaner.
Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Near the railway station, there is a Dharmashala for lodging where water and electricity are available. The arrangements for meals can be made at Sri Amarchand Manakchand Betala Tapagachchhiya Jain Bhavan on prior request.
Managed By:
Sri Jain Shvetambar Mandir Margi Trust (Regd.) Bada Jain Mandir, P.O. Nagore - 341 001. Dist: Nagore, Rajasthan State, Telephone: 01582-41318, 42281 P.P.
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Mahavir Bhagwan's ancient foot-prints of sandalwood colour and of length about 37 Cms. The shrine is situated on the bank of a pond outside the village of Khinvsar. (Shve.) Approach - Route:
The nearest railway station is Nagore which is 44 Kms away where buses and taxis are available. The bus-stand is almost 800 meters away from the temple but private buses and cars can ply right upto the temple doors. This shrine is around 95 Kms Jain Education International 2500 POvate Personal Use Only