Mysore 150 Kms away from here. The nearest village is Anjkannu 6 Kms and Panamaram 10 Kms away from here. From all these places, buses and taxis are available. Car and buses can go upto the temple. The nearest airport is that of Calicut 110 Kms and Bangalore 290 Kms away from this shrine. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is no arrangement from the pedhi side. In the nearby village of Anjkannu hotels are there. Managed By : Sri Palukannu Parshvanath Swami Jain Temple P. O. Ajnkannu, Dist : Wayanad, Kerala State Telephone : 0493-520262 (P.P.) SRI RAMTEK TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Shantinath Bhagwan in golden colour, in a standing posture, of height 3.04 meters in a shrine outside the city of Ramtek about 1.5 Kms away (Dig.). Approach - Route :
The railway station is Ramtek which is 5 Kms away from the temple where rickshaws and taxis are available. Nagpur is around 48 Kms from this shrine. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Outside but adjacent to the compound wall of the temple, there is a large dharmashala where all facilities are available. A bhojanshala is shortly going to be started here. Managed By : Sri Shantinath Digambar Atishaykshetra
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