Managed By : Sri Mallinath Bhagwan Jain Temple, Rajamannargudi, P. O. Haridranadi - 614 012. Dist : Tanjore, Tamilnadu State SRI PUZHAL TEERTH (Kesarwadi) Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adishvar Bhagwan in black colour, scated in a semilotus posture, of height 120 Cms in a shrine in the middle of a large walled compound in village Puzhal, 15 Kms away from the city of Chennai on Chennai-Kolkata grand trunk road (Shve.). Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station is Chennai which is 15 Kms away, where buses and taxis are available. The nearby large village is Redhills which is 2 Kms away. The shrine located about 200 meters inside is on the Chennai-Kolkata grand trunk road. Buses and cars can go upto temple and even parking facilities are there in temple compound. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
In the compound of the temple, there is a dharmashala newly constructed blocks for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals with an Ayambilshala for "ayambils" are available. At a time 800 pilgrims can be accomodated in this huge dharmashala. Separate arrangements can be made for pilgrims in congregation for meals etc. Managed By : Sri Adeeswar Jain Shvetambar Mandir Trust 37, Gandhi Road, P. O. Puzhal, Chennai - 600 066. Tamilnadu State. Telephone : 044-6590577, 6590292
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