Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there are both Shvetambar and Digambar dharmashalas with all facilities including bhojanshalas. Managed By : 1. Sri Jain Shvetambar Mahasabha, Sri Vimalnath Swami Jain Shvetambar Mandir Pedhi Post : Kampila - 207 505. Dist : Farukhabad, Uttar Pradesh State. Telephone : 05690-71289. 2. Sri Vimalnath Digambar Jain Tirthkshetra Committee Post : Kampila - 207 505. Dist : Farukhabad, Uttar Pradesh State. Telephone : 05690-71230.
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in a shrine near the village of Ramnagar Killa (Dig.). Approach - Route :
Nearby railway station of Amvala is 13 Kms away, where taxis and autos are available. This place is situated on AmvalaShahabad road of Bareilly district. Bareilly is about 50 Kms away from here. Cars and buses can go upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging, there is a dharmashala in the courtyard of the temple, with all facilities and a bhojanshala is also available. Managed By : Sri Ahichchatra Parshvanath Atishaya Tirthkshetra, Digambar Jain Mandir Jain Education International 2500 Porrate Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org