Presiding Deity and Location:
Sri Dharmanath Bhagwan and his Foot-prints in all four directions in black colour (Shve.) and Sri Dharmanath Bhagwan in white colour seated in a lotus posture and of height 90 Cms (Dig.), both shrines located in Ronahi village.
Approach - Route:
Nearby railway station is Sohawal about 2 Kms away where Rickshaws and taxis are available for transport. From Ayodhya on Ayodhya-Barabanki road, this place is at a distance of 24 Kms, from Lucknow it is 110 Kms and from Faizabad 18 Kms away. There is a concrete road till temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Adjacent to the temples, there are Shvetambar and Digambar dharmashalas with all facilities.
Managed By:
1. Sri Ayodhya and Ratnapuri Jain Shvetambar Tirth Trust P. O. Ronahi - 224 182. Dist: Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh State 2. Sri Dharmanath Digambar Jain Tirthkshetra, Ratnapuri P. O. Ronahi - 224 182. Dist: Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh State
Presiding Deity and Location:
Sri Ajitnath Bhagwan in copper colour, seated in a lotus posture and of height 30 Cms (Shve.) and Sri Adishvar Bhagwan in a standing posture in white colour and of height 885 Cms (Dig.), both shrines located in the city of Ayodhya, situated in Jain Education International 2060 Poate Personal Use Only