nearby large town of Shahgadh is 40 Kms and Vaksava 24 Kms away. At these places buses and taxis are available. There is a tar road upto the base of the mountain. The shrine is located of SagarChhattarpur road. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There are three dharmashalas for lodging at the base of the mountain with all facilities and a bhojanshala are available. Managed By : Sri Siddhakshetra, Reshandigiri P. O. Nainagiri - 470 339 Dist: Chhattarpur, Madhya Pradesh Telephone : 07583 - 22020
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adishvar Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, of height 61 Cms in a shrine on a small mountain known also as Drongiri Santhappa near the village Drongiri. Approach - Route :
The nearby railway stations are (1) Harvalpur 96 Kms and (2) Sagar 103 Kms away. The nearby large town is Bada Malhara which is located on Chhattarpur-Sagar road. This shrine is 7 Kms away from Bada Malhara. From all these places, rickshaws, taxis and buses are available. There is a tar road upto the base of the mountain from where the ascent is of 1 Km for which 150 regular steps are cut for convenience and ease. Chattarpur is 60 Kms, Tikamgadh 60 Kms, the shrine of Paporaji is 56 Kms, Aharji is 51 Kms and that of Reshandigiri is 81 Kms
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