taxis are available at the station for transport. From Dattia village located on Gwalior-Jhansi road, Sonagir is 5 Kms away. From Gwalior it is 65 Kms and from Jhansi it is 40 Kms away. To reach upto the base there is a tar road and for ascent to the mountain steps are cut. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There are 21 dharmashalas at the base for lodging by the pilgrims with all facilities including a bhojanalaya for meals are available. On the mount water, electricity, telephone etc. are available.
Managed By :
Sri Digambar Jain Siddhakshetra Sonagiri Samrakshani Committee
P. O. Sonagir, Dist: Dattia, Madhya Pradesh State Telephone: 07522-62222, 62223, 62375
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adishvar Bhagwan in a standing posture of height 9.14 meters in a shrine on the banks of river Urvani and Leelavati and at the foot-hills of Vindhyachal mountains near the small village of Thuvoun.
Approach - Route:
The nearby railway station of Ashoknagar is 30 Kms away from the shrine. From here, Lalitpur is 50 Kms away. One desiring to visit this shrine from Lalitpur, has to come via Rajghat Bandh and Chanderi. Chanderi is about 18 Kms away from here. Buses and taxis are available from here.
Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
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