temporary rest. There is a tar road upto the temple. The shrine of Nageshwar is 52 Kms away and that of Mandsaur is 87 Kms away from here. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is one dharmashala for lodging at Parasali with all facilities and a bhojanalaya for meals, upashraya too is available here. Managed By : Sri Jain Shvetambar Parasali Teerth Pedhi P. O. Parasali - 458 883. Dist : Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh Telephone : 07425-32855
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Vighnahar Parshvanath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in white colour in a shrine located in Khilchipura in Mandsar city. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
Nearest railway station Mandasor is just 2 Kms away. There is a tar road upto the temple with cars and buses going. Ratlam is nearly 85 Kms away, Bhanpura 135 Kms and Vahi Parshvanath is nearly 15 Kms away. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a dharamshala here but there are no facilities of beds and vessels. Managed By : Sri Vignahar Parshvanath Jain Shvetambar Teerth,
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